Saturday, October 4, 2008

Random picture

2/2 capts! :D

I can't sleep agaaaaaaaaain !
I'm turning nocturnal, im only able to study at night.

And the good news was,
I had just made love with History!
Surprisingly I didnt fell asleep though it was pure boring .

Kor's last day of school! Wlaos!
And I think I'll get kick out of study room for th next 4 days.

5 more days to end of EOYs !
5 more papers to go!
I just reminded myself, I have only started 1 chatper on Science.
Coolbeans, how am I gna survive.
And I think I didnt make full use of my tuition, so it's kinda of a waste ):

Have I mention, i just realised kor's shuai.
Hehehehehhehehe {x
And photogenic tooo! Hohohoh, *

I love my Papa, my Korkor.
And my Mama too {:

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